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Re: Possible bug with Win95 and MWave 2.0?

Gary Hong <garyh@sco.COM> wrote:
> Also, I have 24MB RAM if that makes a difference.

  Same here, so it's not a RAM problem then.

> I *have* noticed that with Mwave 2.0 (as opposed to 1.10)
> SLIP/PPP connections do not terminate correctly

  Interesting -- my disconnect works fine, so long as no sounds are done
during the connect.

  Maybe sometime I'll give IBM a call about it; I don't use it enough right
now for it to really matter much.

> In order to switch back and forth between [PPP and cSLIP],
> I've been going through the Internet Setup Wizard, which requires
> me to set up all my IP info *every* time I run it.  Is there a way to
> save a snapshot of a Dial-up Networking configuration and later restore
> it without having to type in all the information?

  Have you tried making two connections in ControlPanel->DialupNetworking?  It
looks like you can set up one for your PPP provider, and then set up the other
for your cSLIP provider.  Change the ServerType under each "connection"'s
Properties button.  I just use one provider, so I don't know for sure if this
will actually work.

 Lew Jansen                        Systems Manager, High Energy Physics Theory
 lrj@hepth.cornell.edu     233 Newman Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853