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RE: Possible bug with Win95 and MWave 2.0?

Yup, I tried setting up two connections in the Dial-Up Networking folder.  That certainly seems to be the intuitive way to do it.  However, you can play with the server type setting all you want there, but Win95 reverts back to the settings used the last time you ran Internet Setup Wizard.  That's brain dead.  The 'Add New Connection' feature in Dial-Up Networking is useless unless you have one and only one connection.  Anyway, we're getting a bit off topic for this list, so I'll grumble and groan to myself for awhile until I figure it out - I refuse to call Microsoft and their 900-numbers for support...

From:  Lew Jansen[SMTP:lrj@hepth.cornell.edu]
Sent:  Wednesday, October 04, 1995 11:39 AM
To:  Jim Lee
Cc:  tp750@cs.utk.edu
Subject:  Re: Possible bug with Win95 and MWave 2.0?

[stuff deleted]

> In order to switch back and forth between [PPP and cSLIP],
> I've been going through the Internet Setup Wizard, which requires
> me to set up all my IP info *every* time I run it.  Is there a way to
> save a snapshot of a Dial-up Networking configuration and later restore
> it without having to type in all the information?

  Have you tried making two connections in ControlPanel->DialupNetworking?  It
looks like you can set up one for your PPP provider, and then set up the other
for your cSLIP provider.  Change the ServerType under each "connection"'s
Properties button.  I just use one provider, so I don't know for sure if this
will actually work.

 Lew Jansen                        Systems Manager, High Energy Physics Theory
 lrj@hepth.cornell.edu     233 Newman Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853