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Comic scenary from IBM EMEA

Hi to all!
I'd wish let you have a little bit fun with this little "story"...
Some days ago I took my TP755CD at IBM service here in Rome, Italy, as my Trackpoint wasn't properly functioning: being on guarantee period, no problem at all.  They called me after one day, and I got my Thinkpad back with a brand new keyboard.
Whit a big surprise, when I was back at my office, I opened te cover and...I found an italian keyboard, instead my original USA one...!  
Immediately i called back IBM online, that, after all pragmatic excuses, said me to go back to service, and let them change the keyboard.  Right done and, after one day more, finally myThinkpad was back again on my desktop. 
Good, no more italian keyboard, but...a UK one...!!!   Aaaargh!  
I took it again at service, making some trouble (naturly) and, with my big surprise, I received the following answer from the technicians:

		-"...we're very sorry, but all over Italy we haven't a USA 
                   keyboard available...".

When he was telling me so, he had on his hands a beautiful  case, with an original ARABIAN keyboard inside...!!! :-)  

That's incredible, but true!    I must wait for months, probably...?
