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Re: Cat's tongue part # ?and WARNING

> In a message dated 95-10-19 15:50:20 EDT, jokim@tuna.mit.edu (John H. Kim)
> writes:
> >I finally got to try one (for some reason it completely slipped my mind)
> >and I LOVE it!  What was the part number and order phone number again?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------
> I'm not sure exactly about the part number for the new Trackpoint caps (Cat's
> Tongues) but here is the phone number for a free replacement cap from IBM...
> 1-800-520-8765--- They request your model and serial number of your Thinkpad.
> This is what IBM has to say for the caps...
> ===============================================================
> Dear Customer,
> Recently, IBM discovered that a small number of the smooth rubber caps used
> on some Trackpoint pointing devices found on certain models of ThinkPad
> computers may, over time, contribute to keyboard malfunction.
> To ensure the continued satisfaction of customers, IBM is offering ThinkPad
> owners a free replacement cap. IBM will provide customers with the upgraded,
> no-slip rubber TrackPoint caps featured on IBM's latest ThinkPad models.
> Enclosed, you'll find a no-slip replacement cap. IBM recommends that you
> replace and discard the smooth cap presently in use on your ThinkPad. For
> further information call 800-772-2227 in the US; in Canada call 800-565-3344
> We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
> Sincerely, 
> IBM 

Not that I want to press a point, but whom do I call?  Is there a number for 
the UK.  I bought my tp750 at home in Canada, but I've been here a year, and
will be another 3 at least. ;-)

Can someone give me the IBM UK (preferrably free) number?


James Cummings <engjcc@gps.leeds.ac.uk> School of English, University of Leeds.
<A href="http://www.hal.com/services/juggle/home/engjcc@leeds.ac.uk/">James</A>.