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Organizing mailings

Far from it to be my place to comment on much of this discussion being a 
new member of this list, but perhaps a simple convention can be used to 
organize the mail received.  If we came up with a set of subject keywords 
we could more easily distinguish incoming mail.  For example "701:" or 
"755:" or "75X:" as a starter to the subject.  One benefit would be that 
mail systems that you can set up scripts on (for instance I use cc:Mail 
"rules") can be used to classify these.  In cc:Mail it is easy to set up a 
rule that would automatically move these items into folders based on 

Just a thought.  And thanks to those who answered my "modem in Greece" 


Daniel A. Kirkdorffer          | "Though the course may change sometimes 
Email: e#kirkd@ccmail.ceco.com | rivers always reach the sea." R. Plant
       DanKirkd@aol.com        +-----------------------------------------
WWW: http://users.aol.com/dankirkd/danhome.html