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Thinkpad 755CD and MWAVE and connecting data/fax-modem
Hi All,
I'm intrested in buying a US-plug in USA or anywhere else to use it in
Netherlands and abroad, because then i could upgrade to 28k8+dvsd (only
us-versions of the telephone plug support the upgrade).
I hate to buy a optional DAA/telephony kit, just to connect to the phone
line (because the telco wants it that way) and to have only 14k4, while
28k8 is possibly in US for free...
If someone of you can deliver a US-plug for a nice price (don't matter
which country from, because i believe such a things will cost <=$50)
please email me.
Thanks in advance.
Thomas van Kuipers Email University: tjwhkuip@cs.ruu.nl *** TEAM OS/2 ***
De Wadden 49 The Netherlands
3524 AG Utrecht Tel: +31 30 884235 or 06-52634180 (always available)