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Re: Linux XF86Config..help!

Peter Goddard wrote:
> X is causing me trouble.
> so if some kind soul out there has a working XF86Config
> file I'd be grateful to see it. I need to configure X for the active
> matrix display only, not for any ext monitor. BTW I didn't use any of
> Michael Steiners patches, basically because I can't find them...
Patches? What patches?

> do I need these to run X on the TP
I didn't install any patch and X works fine

I have a ThinkPad 755C but I think the video hardware is quite the same.
I use the config file I found at

BTW does anybody know when Takao Moriyama is going to release the audio
drivers for ThinkPad 750/755?
I wrote to him some time ago but I don't want to bother him too much...

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