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ADMIN: suggestion

Given the recent spate of pranks involving people being signed up for 
mailing lists against their will (Rush Limbaugh and Emmanuel 
Goldstein were both victims with the result being 300+ messages an 
hour) I think we should steal a good idea another list I'm one uses 
Namely adding to the header:

X-Comment:  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: email "unsub poly" to listserv@lupine.org

Obviously we should tailor it to let people know how to unsub from 
OUR list, but you get the idea. If you're not familiar with the way 
SMTP handles headers, you don't see this unless you make a specific 
effort to do so - it's not displayed normally.

While many people won't think to look there, it makes sure the 
information is available to those in the know.

Just a suggestion.
Don Whiteside, professional computer jockey. Kids, don't try this at home
Penis ownership is not a prerequisite to technological competence." - Me