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Date: 29 Mar 1996 12:27:17 U
Subject: <C> thinkpad digest for Fri
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Mail*Link(r) SMTP               thinkpad digest for Fri, 29 Mar 1996

Today's topics:

      (Ronald L. Funk)
      (Dave Speed)
    Re: w95 and suspend mode, am i doing something wrong?  (Steve Hultquist)
    Re: Which PCMCIA-Ethernetcard?  (Steve Hultquist)
    Subscribe  (Tony Staples)
      (Robert E. Shemo)
    Re: ADMIN: suggestion  (ecottrell@doble.com)

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Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 12:49:41 -0500
From: "Ronald L. Funk" <ronfunk@digital.net>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Message-Id: <>



Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:28:40 -0800
From: Dave Speed <dspeed@well.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Message-Id: <>



Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 15:47:47 -0700
From: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
To: phr@netcom.com (Paul Rubin), thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: w95 and suspend mode, am i doing something wrong?
Message-Id: <[]>

At 04:51 PM 3/27/96 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:
>When I enter suspend mode on my 755cx under windows 95,
>either by hitting alt-f4 or by selecting "suspend" in the start menu,
>the screen blanks and a moment later the disk spins down as expected.
>But much later--like minutes or hours--the disk starts spinning
>again (with the screen still dark).  This doesn't really seem
>like suspend mode to me.  Any advice?  Thanks.

Check the power details and make sure that you don't have anything set for
re-start. For example, you're not taking incoming calls, are you?

>PS, I'm using w95 because of a project I'm doing for work...
>the UI is slick but I'm still eager to switch back to Linux...

Yeah. I just wish I could run Office on Linux. I'd be off 95 in a flash!

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado


Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 15:47:48 -0700
From: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
To: jfriedl@omron.co.jp, thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Which PCMCIA-Ethernetcard?
Message-Id: <[]>

At 12:44 PM 3/28/96 +0900, Jeffrey Friedl wrote:
>Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com> wrote:
>|> >I'm looking for a pcmcia-ethernetcard for a tp 755cx (24MB,500GB), 
>|> >which should work with OS/2 and Linux.
>|> >
>|> >Who knows which work/don't work/are preferable?
>|> 3Com. Don't even mess with any others.
>Well, my IBM one works fine (Linux/DOS/Windoze, but I'd expect OS/2 would
>be fine, considering it's IBM).

True. However, if you ever want to use other OSs, there is a likelihood that
IBM support will be substantially behind 3Com support. IBM is, admittedly,
getting better at this. But, 3Com is always there at the front of the line...

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado


Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 09:05:34 +0000
From: "Tony Staples" <tstaples@piedmont.net>
Reply-To: tstaples@piedmont.net
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Subscribe
Message-Id: <199603291405.JAA11637@piedmont.net>


Please add me to the Thinkpad mailing list.


Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 09:13:33 -0500
From: reshemo@jumbo.read.tasc.com (Robert E. Shemo)
Message-Id: <9603291413.AA24614@jumbo.read.tasc.com>



Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 10:31:51 -0500
From: <ecottrell@doble.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu, "Don Whiteside" <dwhite@shadow.net>
Subject: Re: ADMIN: suggestion
Message-Id: <15c07600@doblegate.doble.com>

     Some mailing lists I belong to put a few lines at the end of each 
     message identifying the list and brief instructions on how to 
     unsubscribe.  Some put in URL information for their web site, etc.
     73 Eric  eac@shore.net



End of thinkpad Digest