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Re: Mem upgrade for 701C - 16M for $285??

On Sun, 21 Apr 1996 19:25:18 -0500, Jim McGhee wrote:

"OK, maybe I've missed something, but,
"according to Ohm's law, If a circuit is designed for 5 volts (like the 
"card in question) and 3.3 volts are applied to it (you said the socket 
"is designed for 3.3 volt cards) then the card should draw LESS current 
"than a card designed for 3.3 volts!  Has IBM become so big and powerfull 
"that it can repeal Ohm's law??? ;-)  Did I miss something?
"Jim McGhee
	That's why I posted!  School's been awhile and I'm not too much of a techie,
but I wondered about that when the support guy told me.  Experience has taught
me to not argue with the gang at Big Blue, just nod and ask someone else later.
So, are *would* there be any adverse effects from using this RAM chip?  Would
performance suffer since it's underpowered?  I need some ammunition, since I've
emailed the guy about this...
laptop central: www.suba.com/~epbrown/