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Re: mwave & win95

> 95 ran great for the first couple weeks.  still does on one 755cd, but two 
> other cd's and a 755cse all started having the same problem:  the modem moved 
> from com2 to com1 & it won't move back.  communications software gets no 
> response from the modem.  device manager shows the mwave 28.8 on com1, in grey 
> so it can't be changed.
> the wierd thing is that it doesn't follow the o/s.  if i switch hard drives 
> between the working 755cd (mwave correctly recognized & working on com2) and 
> one of the bad ones, 95 automatically reconfigures each & the problem follows 
> the machine.  i'd guess it's a problem with the mwave if were only one machine, 
> but three out of four that i've upgraded all did the same thing within a few 
> weeks of upgrading (actually, the cse did it immediately & never worked).  i 
> used the latest bios from the 'win95 thinkpad page.'  in fact, i used the exact 
> same bios diskette for all of them.
> also, there's a new device under 'ports' called the 'ibm mwave communications 
> port (com1)' and if i remove it, 95 autodetects & reinstalls it when i reboot.  
> i can't move it to com2 & i can't create one like it on com2.  the only thing i 
> can do is disable it for the current configuration, but then communications 
> software says 'the modem is being used by another program' instead of 'modem 
> not responding.'
> any ideas before i call the personal systems hold center?
> Michael J. Verne
> michael_verne@vmedia.com
> Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group
> http://www.vmedia.com/michaelv/
> Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
> --Popular Mechanics, 1949

I once had the same problem. I probably had forgotten to initialize the BIOS
after upgrading it. Anyway it worked OK after initializing it.

//// Harald Skotnes		// Email: harald@staff.cs.uit.no  /
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