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hard disk password

Does anyone know if there is a way to remove a hard disk ( not power on ) 
password?  I have a friend with a 760C computer with a 720MB hard disk.  
He sent his machine in to be serviced, and it came back with the hard 
disk password on it.  When he called back the service organization they 
told him that the did NOT put the password on the drive, and there is no 
way to remove it.

Our guess is that they put the wrong drive back in the machine when they 
replaced the mother board.  We cannot confirm this hypothisis without 
removing the password.  The service company has sent him a new drive, but 
there are files on the old one that he wants back ( I know he should have 
backed it up before sending it in ).

Any help would be appreciated.  He does have his proff of purchase, and I 
am sure that the service organization ( IBM' finest apparently ) can 
confirm the foul up.

Mark M. Ingerman
Creative Software Solutions, Inc.
(508) 394-5899