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Re: hard disk password

At 02:52 PM 4/25/96 -0400, Mark M. Ingerman wrote:
>Does anyone know if there is a way to remove a hard disk ( not power on ) 
>password?  I have a friend with a 760C computer with a 720MB hard disk.  
>He sent his machine in to be serviced, and it came back with the hard 
>disk password on it.  When he called back the service organization they 
>told him that the did NOT put the password on the drive, and there is no 
>way to remove it.

The only way to ever use that hard drive again is to find out what the
password is. Otherwise, the only thing you can do is try to take it apart
and mount it in a different controller, but I'm not even sure that will work.



 Steve Hultquist            Founder         Worldwide Solutions, Inc.

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