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RE: Dial-Up Networking for TP701CS
On Monday, May 06, 1996 8:19 AM, Michael Verne/VENTANA[SMTP:Michael_Verne/VENTANA.ITP@lgate.vmedia.com] wrote:
>i saw the exact same thing on three 755cd's and a cse. it was a win95 registry
>problem, not a network configuration one. i paid 35 helpware dollars to ibm
>(after several hours of tracking down someone willing to take my money) for an
>incomplete set of instructions on how to fix it. i had to fill in a few blanks
>to get it to work, but this is basically it:
[port troubleshooting instructions deleted]
If the problem were with the ports, then the modem wouldn't have been able to negotiate any protocol at all, let alone fail finding a compatible one, right?
I had the exact same problem after switching to a new ISP, after I had reinstalled my TCP/IP stack. A free call to my ISP's support line solved the problem in about 2 minutes (including the reboot) by checking the "Set this protocol to be the default protocol" box in the Network Control Panel. (Then again, the rest of my settings were correct...)