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Re: ps/2 mouse under Linux on 760CD

Thanks to every one who suggested possible causes and solutions to the "mouse 
busy" problem when a second disk is present in the Ultra bay of my TP 760CD.

The problem, indeed, is that my ethernet pcmcia card is grabbing irq 12 
whenever a second disk is present in the ultrabay which grabs irq 15. When 
there is no disk in the ultra bay, the pcmcia card grabs irq 15, leaving irq 
12 for the mouse.

As for the solution, putting "exclude irq 12" in pcmcia/config.opts does not 
work for me (I have pcmcia-cs-2.8.9 and linux-1.2.13 on my system). Changing 
the pcmcia code and recompiling it, however, as suggested by Brian Mahaffy, 
did the trick.

Thanks again.

-- Hira.

> Brian Mahaffy writes:
> | You need to go into the PCMCIA sources and change the interupt scan routines
> | to search 15->13,11->0,12 instead of 15->0.  It is in modules/i82365.c
> | around line 400. 
> | 
> | If you aren't using PCMCIA, its probably something similar with some other
> | autoconfiged interupt using 12, /proc/interrupts will tell you.  You will
> | have to chase it down.
> Nah.  With the version of PCMCIA services that I have, you can just put
> 	exclude irq 12
> in your /etc/pcmcia/config.opts file.  That should make PCMCIA avoid 12,
> leaving it free for the mouse.
>                                 Lee Hetherington