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Win 95 and Linux on 701c

I finally got X working, the fonts and uios are the size they are supposed
to be. I used XFree86-SVGA server this time instead of MetroX (thanks to
all who sent me config files) One minor problem is that some windows open
beyond 0,0, and I can't move them, because I can't see their title bars.
Also, when I scroll around in virtual desktop, the screen flickers
somewhat. When I switched back to Win95 , the internal speaker started
emitting this feedback sound, sort of like a fast busy signal. I couldn't
make it go away without lowering down the volume. Has anyone seen this
before? I wonder if this might've been caused by my screwing around with
Linux. Couple of more questions, is there a way for Linux to see msdos
partitions and vice versa? I apologize if the questions are Linux and not
Thinkpad specific, but I seem to get much faster and better help here than
in newsgroups. Thanks.

nil@akula.com - stan@syberia.com - http://www.syberia.com/stan/netcrate/