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Re: German MWave


First: Thanks you replied!

>When configuring my MWave modem (from Switzerland), I just tried each
>country that was available and evettually got the modem to work.
>(I think the correct country was USA for Switzerland, and Japan when
>you are in England).
Yeah, I thought this too. And of course I tried it. There are
some setting heavily needed for the modem to work. Things like
DTMF gaps, pulse dialing speeds and so on...
The problem is that the modem thinks it would dial - but doesn't!

Another problem seems to be the DAA connected to the MWave adapter.
As German Telekom (fu**ing company, BTW) has VERY strict rules that
the adapter has to fulfill (timings, no ATH1, no ATA, blacklistings,
redial restrictions...) it is very likely (that's what I am thinking)
that the DAA has to deny access to itself if configured to
anything else than Germany.

>On of the symptoms you get when the ocuntry selection is wrong is that
>the modem doesn't recognize the dial tone and thinks the phone line
>is dead.
That could be the problem. The symptom occurs...

>Also, make sure your cable is correctly wired.
Done it several times and it really should work. I hooked
it to an internal switching system (?? this box you hook
between telecom and your phone...) so I could test what's
happening and it simply doesn't recognize that it doesn't dial.

>BTW. I also had to upgrade my MWave software to a later version to 
>get _anything_ to work (And I had bounght a new machine).  So make sure
>you have the latest software.  You can down;oad it from an IBM sote
I'm using MWave soft version 2.02. AFAIK this is the newest

So, does anyone possibly know why I didn't get Germany as
country in one installation and on another disk this
worked fine?
What exact diskettes does the Country Selection come from??

Thanks again!

Ciao, Philipp!