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Re: Introduction (modem 701)

On Jul. 23 96, 21:24 PDT, "Bill Bryan" <billb@rust.net> wrote:

> If you need proof of this try powering up your laptop for about
> an hour and then try a connection.  I found that line dropping
> never occurred after a good warm up.  It may only need a 1/2 hour
> or less.

That sounds like my 755cx. If the temperature is below 70 degrees,
the computer will hang when booting up. If I let it warm up a bit,
then restart, no problem. If I restart too soon cuz it hasn't fully
warmed up, it hangs again. I've even had the motherboard swapped,
and it still does it.

Chris Osborn, Network Administrator     Napa Valley College
707 253 3130 - Voice                    2277 Napa-Vallejo Hwy.
707 253 3063 - Fax                      Napa, CA 94558
<fozztexx@nvc.cc.ca.us>    <http://www.nvc.cc.ca.us/~fozztexx>