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Re: Loading Win95 and CD-ROM Drive

At 09:36 PM 7/24/96 -0500, Russell, Mark S wrote:
>1) If I get the Win95 CD version, do I need to configure the CD-ROM
>drive first in Win 3.1, then begin the Win95 load process?


>2) Are there advantages to getting the CD version of Win95 vs. the
>floppy version, or would I be better off loading Win95 from floppy and
>then configuring my cd-rom in Win95 only?

Sure. You only have to load the CD ROM, not 30-something floppys!

 Steve Hultquist            Founder         Worldwide Solutions, Inc.

Web, Internet, LANs, WANs, Routing, Switching, Unix, PCs, NT, 95, OS/2
	       Network and systems provider for JavaOne
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