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Re: Auto Reply from Watch_Mail

is everyone submitting to the list getting 
automated answers from jim?

looks like one badly configured mail-bot...
responding to mailing-list mails...

or is it a joke on me? i don't get it, then.

waiting for the auto reply to this post...


At 01:00 30.07.96 -0600, you wrote:
>Thanks for your recent mail message.  However, I am temporarily unable to
>respond.  I am out of the office on business, but hope to have reasonable
>access to my email while I am gone.  I will respond to your message as
>soon as I am able to do so. 
>I anticipate being back in the office on Monday, 5 August, 1996.
>If you need to speak to someone before that date about ANSI or ISO SQL
>standardization, please contact Don Deutsch by email at
>"deutsch@sybase.com", or by telephone at +1.301.897.1639 (Note: Don may
>also be unavailable).
>If you need to speak to someone before that date about technical details
>of SQL (including SQL-92, SQL3, object-oriented features of SQL, SQL/CLI,
>SQL/PSM, and SQL/Temporal), you might try to contact Andrew Eisenberg by
>email at "andrew.eisenberg@sybase.com" or by telephone at +1.617.564.7917;
>or you might try to contact Ames Carlson by email at "ames@sybase.com" or
>by telephone at +1.510.922.0910.  (Note: it is possible that neither of
>these persons are available.)
>If you need to speak to someone before that date about X/Open SQL Access
>Group (XSQL) SQL activities, you're probably out of luck.   You might try
>Don Deutsch by email at "deutsch@sybase.com", or by telephone at
>+1.301.897.1639 (Note: Don may also be unavailable).
>   Jim
>* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
>Jim Melton                                    Work Telephone: +1.801.942.0144
>Sybase, Inc.                       Fax: +1.801.942.3345 (by arrangement only)
>1930 Viscounti Dr.                            Internet: jim.melton@sybase.com
>Sandy, UT 84093                            X/Open Email: j.melton@xopen.co.uk
>* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
>*                                                                           *
>* Facts are facts.  Any opinions expressed are mine alone and do not        *
>*   necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer nor anybody else        *
>*   with whom I may or may not have discussed the subject at hand.          *
>*                                                                           *
>* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *

.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
. Paper         : 619 South East Street; Amherst, MA 01002; USA       .
. Voice         : [USA] (413) 253-1404                                .
. E-Mail        : mailto:Axel.Hartmann@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de          .
. Homepage      : http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Axel.Hartmann          .
. Mail-Drop     : 42.4deg N, 72.5deg W                                .