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Re: Oh Sh#% I dropped my ThinkPad!

On Tue, 30 Jul 1996, Robert Dewar wrote:

> I would be very reluctant to glue stuff, since that will almost certainly
> invalidate your guarantee. Why not send it along to Ezyserve, and the worst
> they can do is to give you an unacceptable estimate, the best they can do
> is fix it free. It's worth a try.

The estimate for my 701 cost $170 for EasyServ shipping and labor.
They told me I had to pay this to get my computer back, whether or not
I had it fixed.

When I was in a similar situation a couple months back, several people
suggested I take it to an authorized IBM repair center and ask them to
fix it.  If they refuse to fix it under warranty, it should cost much
less than an EasyServ estimate.  And it still might get fixed.

Epoxying the case will not change the warranty situation.  You dropped
the computer so the warranty is already void.  (Also, my understanding
is that you do not void the warranty on the entire computer, just the
parts that are damaged.)
John H. Kim       "I stop for red traffic lights" -- bumper sticker 
jokim@mit.edu     commissioned by the City of Boston as part of a
MIT Sea Grant     campaign to shed its reputation for bad drivers.