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I got my Thinkpad 365X yesterday (P-100/8/810/10.4 TFT).  Delivery
took five weeks, and I think I was actually lucky that I got it before
September.  They seem to have big delivery problems here in Germany,
and probably the low-end models have low priority, too.

It's a lovely machine -- the keyboard is one of the best I've ever
typed on, and I really like the track point.  After just a few hours,
I'm almost as quick with it as with a mouse.  I think I would even
consider a track point for a full desktop computer; it's a very good
pointing device, IMHO.

The display is great, although it has a bad pixel, I'm afraid.  "Half
a bad pixel", to be precise: sometimes it's green, sometimes red, and
sometimes it's okay, depending on the overall screen picture (if it's
mostly white or mostly black, the pixel is all right).  However,
during the first hour of use, I saw another pixel that freaked out,
but this vanished quickly.  So I haven't given up hope yet.  Should I
accept the bad pixel?  I think I can live with it; and only if I need
to have the machine serviced for some other reason, I'll ask about the
pixel.  What are your experiences?  (Sorry, this has probably been
discussed before, but I didn't see it in the FAQ, and access to the
archives is very slow.)

Andre Spiegel
University of Stuttgart, Germany

PS. I'll be away from the net for a week starting this afternoon.