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upgrading, was Power adapter

>(except that as of next friday
>I am ditching the 760CD - worthless fossil that it is...)

I can see going for the best you can when it's time for a new laptop,
but a number on this list seem incapable of using one for more than
a couple of months.. as soon as there is a new king of the hill it becomes
a "must have."  

Just out of curiosity, is it because you all need the extra few pixels and
megahertz enough to shell out, or is it one of those corporate pecking order
things (ie not your own money) where you are in a position to get the newest
thing that comes through the door and hand off your months old antique to
the next guy down the list?

I think I would have a tough time going to my accountant and explaining that
I bought 6 different model laptops over the course of a year at $5-7K each for 
business use and sold each 2 months later for half what I paid and that it made
good business sense.  Of course, if these are just personal toys, then you
don't have to justify it to anyone, but it still sounds nuts.

-Don Perley
