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Re: using Iomega JAZ drive with thinkpad (755ce wfwg 3.11)

I have an Iomega Jaz running fine with my Thinkpad 760ED and an Adaptec
SlimSCSI card.  If you still need details, please let me know.  My address
may still be wrong on the mailing list.  It should be: dkeyes@net1.net

> From: Alden S Klovdahl <Alden.Klovdahl@anu.edu.au>
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: Re: using Iomega JAZ drive with thinkpad (755ce wfwg 3.11)
> Date: Saturday, July 27, 1996 10:52 PM
> does anyone actually have a Jaz *running* with a thinkpad?
> after taking the ethernet pcmcia card out my Jaz worked, for a while. 
> same problem - no devices found.  experiemented with many different
> eg removing anything from config.sys and autoexec.bat that i did not
> need to use.
> finally, i went into easy-setup (holding shift+F5 down when booting),
> found i had lost my com port (easily fixed), but the Jaz was accessible
> - for a number of days.
> then, bam ... i lost it again.  did the same reinitialize without
> still no Jaz... No devices found (when card director says my new media
> bustoaster pcmcia scsi card is OK).
> Most puzzling.  
> one of the concurrent problems i have had is with netscape (2.02).  was
> some general protection faults when i tried to print.  after i
reinstalled my
> hewlett-packer drivers that problem went away.
> when i look at my tsr's (norton's System Info /tsr) i find Command.com
> twice, and i also find - depending on how i boot - a couple of tsr's
> no known owner.  
> does this stuff stay in this memory after power off; if so, any way to
> out this memory and start over?
> other thing that has me wondering is whether it *is* a software problem.
> i frequently disassemble the thinkpad (from external monitor and 
> keybd and mouse) and the jaz drive to put them away and later reassemble
> but, it does lead to a parallel line of thinking re Jaz problems -
whether some
> connection is not being made adequately, whether crossed or looped
cables lead
> to interference, etc.  despite the fact that that's what i check first
and most
> often.
> any suggestions welcomed!
> regards, al
>  Alden S Klovdahl /   alden.klovdahl@anu.edu.au    / fax: +61 62 49 05
>  Sociology Arts  / Australian National University / Canberra ACT
Australia 0200