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Re: XFree on Thinkpad 755CX?

I have tried XFree86 on my Thnkpad 755CX in 800x600 and have never
been fully sucessful. I usually just see the screen with black, gray
and white rectangles.

A partial sucess I experienced is as follows. 

1. Install SVGA development kit for emx (svgakt18.zip available at

2. Save the following code in file tpstartx.c.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vesa.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

3. Compile it by typing

  gcc -o tpstartx.exe tpstartx.c -lvesa

4. Start a fullscreen OS/2 session and type

  set svgadll=vesa_wd

5. Run tpstartx.exe

Then you would see X-windows in 800x600 mode. But this is not very
useful. If you go to WPS keeping XFree86 running and go back to
XFree86 again. The screen becomes senseless black, gray and white


>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com> writes:

    Steve> If any of you have XFree running on the CX in 800x600,
    Steve> please mailme your XF86COnfig file? I *still* can't get it
    Steve> to work!

    Steve> Anyone know which WD chipset is in the CX?

    Steve> Thanks!  ssh

   Shinichi Sakata, Ph.D.
   The University of Michigan       Internet: ssakata@umich.edu
   Department of Economics          Phone: (313) 764-2368 / 2355
   240 Lorch Hall, 1220             Fax:   (313) 764-2769
   611 Tappan Street
   Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 