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XFree86 3.1.2F is out

For those folks using XFree86 3.1.2E (which is about to expire),
XFree86 3.1.2F is now out for NetBSD, Linux/elf, FreeBSD, and ISC
binaries are available.

On my TP760E (trident tgui9320lcd) it is necssary to add

	Option "tgui_pci_write_off"

to the Device section of the XF86Config.

3.1.2F is a distinct improvement over 3.1.2E for me in that with the
above option,the SVGA server works just fine in 800x600 mode.

Please see http://www.xfree86.org/beta.html for more info on
3.1.2F, attached is the list of mirror sites (not all of them necessarily
have beta releases).


North America:
xfree86.cdrom.com:/pub/XFree86          (source and binaries)
ftp.rge.com:/pub/X/XFree86              (source and binaries)
                                        (source and NetBSD binaries)
    (Also via AFS: /afs/iastate.edu/public/ftp/pub/XFree86/...)
tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/packages/X11  (source and Linux binaries)
ref.tfs.com:/pub/mirrors/XFree86        (source diffs and FreeBSD binaries)
ftp.eecs.umich.edu:/BSD/XFree86         (source and binaries)

fvkma.tu-graz.ac.at:/pub/XFree86        (source and binaries)
ftp.fee.vutbr.cz:/pub/XFree86/3.1.2     (source diffs and binaries)
ftp.gwdg.de:/pub/xfree86/XFree86/3.1.2  (source and binaries)
                                        (source diffs and Linux binaries)
ftp.uni-stuttgart.de:/pub/X11/Xfree86   (source and binaries)
ftp.funet.fi:/pub/X11/XFree86           (source and binaries)
ftp.calvacom.fr:/pub/unix/X/XFree86     (source and binaries)
ftp.ibp.fr:/pub/X11/XFree86             (source and binaries)
ftp.laas.fr:/pub/NetBSD/XFree86-3.1.2   (NetBSD binaries only)
ftp.pvv.unit.no:/pub/XFree86/current    (source and binaries)

x.physics.su.oz.au:/pub/XFree86         (source and binaries)
ftp.iij.ad.jp:/pub/X/XFree86/3.1.2      (source and binaries)
ftp.sf.co.kr:/pub/XFree86/3.1.2         (source and binaries)
ftp.nectec.or.th:/pub/mirrors/XFree86   (source diffs and binaries)