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Re: XFree86 3.1.2F is out / 760C

John Hawkinson <jhawk@bbnplanet.com> wrote Thu, 29 Aug 1996 06:23:26 -0400:

> For those folks using XFree86 3.1.2E (which is about to expire),
> XFree86 3.1.2F is now out for NetBSD, Linux/elf, FreeBSD, and ISC
> binaries are available.
> On my TP760E (trident tgui9320lcd) it is necssary to add
> 	Option "tgui_pci_write_off"
> to the Device section of the XF86Config.
> 3.1.2F is a distinct improvement over 3.1.2E for me in that with the
> above option,the SVGA server works just fine in 800x600 mode.

Anybody succeded to make 3.1.2F (SVGA) running on a 760C ? I installed
everything, configured it with XF86Setup and when i started it up it
looked fine, but only at first sights. When the mouse is moved there
is a square around the cursor which gets strangely updated: it's a
copy of the screen a couple of centimeters towards the upper right
corner. the screen also gets corrupted when you reach the bottom of a
xterm and the xterm tries to scroll ...

any ideas/suggestions/help ?

thanks a lot


Michael Steiner                   ___________              IBM Research Lab,
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