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Re: 560 vs. 701

"OK, what we need is for folding screen technology to catch up with the
keyboard.  Remeber, you heard it here first!"

Rather than a folding screen, which is hard to imagine would not have a
break anyway at the fold, multiple screens that folded out would be fine,
since in a windowing environbment you can perfectly well have one window
on one screen, and another on another screen.

Actually I would quite like a portfolio sized portable. Consider something
like the following:

Full standard PC keyboard, width of machine 20", with a screen that was
also nice and wide, or if that is not possible yet, two separate side by
side TFT screens. As long as the weight does not climb over 7 pounds or
so, I don't really care if the physical dimensions get larger, as long
as it still fits in a suitcase, but I do need all the screen real estate
I can get.

I must say that, given the sharpness of a TFT, 1024 x 768 on a 12.4" screen
is not bad. I use a 10 x 6 font in OS/2 windows which comfortably allows
two of them (80 columns wide) to sit side by side on the screen, still
very readable (*). You can go about 75 lines high using this font.

(*) the fonts that come standard with win 95 are much worse than the OS/2
fonts. The true type fonts are simply terrible at small sizes, and the
number of bit-mapped fonts is disappointing, e.g. there is no 10 x 6
bitmapped font. Now I expect I can find and install extra fonts -- one
more mystery to solve :-)