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Re: 560 vs. 701

On Fri, 6 Sep 96 13:09:03 EDT, you wrote:

""        Well, I'd be willing to pay *more* than the $1500 I shelled out for my
"DX4-75 if the model was updated with a Lithium-Ion battery, Pentium, 28.8
"built-in modem, >1GB drive, and if the keyboard port was built into the
"machine rather than on the port replicator (I don't like having to take the
"MultiPort just because I wanna use my QuickCam somewhere).  It shouldn't be as
"high as they were asking originally because with the advent of larger screens,
"they should be able to cut quite a deal on 10.4" displays.  Make it around
"$2500 and I'd be interested. "
"Remember thjat the machine you paid $1500 for listed for several times
"that amount. I doubt what you suggest is feasible at $2500, looking at
"the pricing of other thinkpads.
	I don't know about that.  Doesn't the 365X come with a lot of those
features?  My last issue of USAFlex catalog lists this model for $1999 with a
Pentium 100, 810MB HDD, has the 16-bit sound and built-in port, it's just
missing the modem and Lit-Ion technology. They're within throwing distance
already.    Other manufacturers are already there, like Sharp with their 3040.
In this age of MEG playback, zoomed video, 8X CD-ROMs and 12" screens, the
specs I outlined are actually a reasonably modest system.  All it would really
take is for IBM to accept the idea that not everything they do is worth $5000
right off the bat.
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