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Re: XFree86 beta on 760ED, any hints?

>>>> I've tried XFree86 312E, F, and G, but still cannot get it work on a
>>>> Thinkpad 760ED directly.  All I got is some black/white vertical bars.
>>>> Pressing Fn-F7 (one or many times) doesn't help.

   I had the same problem when moving from a 760C to a 760E. I could make it work by
   toggling Fn-F7, but that was messy. I am running Xfree 3.1.2G and Linux 2.0.19

   The real fix was to get better timing values in my XF86Config file. The working 
   numbers for me are:

    ModeLine "800x600"     31.5    800  824  896 1024   600  601  603  625
   This allows we to start X cleanly and also to switch back and forth between
   X and text virtual consoles, which never worked right before.

| Don Russell                  |   Internet: djr@mr.picker.com |
| Picker International         |   Voice: (216)-473-5726       |
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