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Re: heat

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Re heat: putting a pillow under your thinkpad seems like a bad idea. 
> Pillows are usually made of insulating material that keeps heat from
> escaping, bringing your system even closer to meltdown.

Yes, I found this out on Sunday.  I had my ThinkPad 760E (133MHz) on a bed
for about six hours ... until my PC Card modem started to disconnect
often, inconsistent speed ... fast, sluggish, fast again, sluggish again
... without any new applications opened, just general weirdness, etc. 

I then heard weird high pitch beeps from the machine.  Uhm, anyone have
any idea what that could have been?  Is there a heat sensor alarm? 
Anyway, I shut the machine down and didn't use it until this morning. 
It's running fine, sitting on a Formica desktop.

I'm going to sit it on a book (or something that conducts hear better) 
from now on. 

> I've mentioned this before but I really don't like the heat level
> current laptops run at.  They seem to like cranking the clock speeds up
> to just short of meltdown.  Then if process improvements cut the cpu
> power consumption at a given clock rate, rather than letting the chip
> run cooler, they crank up the clock some more.  I'd much rather have a
> cool-running 100 mhz machine than a blistering hot 133 mhz machine. 

Unless the machine is leased/rented and replaced every six months :)

                    alster@interport.net allen@metaverse.com