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Re: original delivery (and 755CD memory)

It's true, the pentium 755CD uses non-parity memory while the 486/100 uses
parity.  They use the same form factor.  I have a pentium model and ordered
a 32 Meg non-parity module.  There was a problem with it so they shipped me
a module for the 486 (with parity)  Turns out that you can use a parity
module in either model, the pentium model will just ignore the extra parity
bits.  Doesn't work the other way though....


>I have heard "rumors" that the 755CD Pentium version takes different memory
>than the 755CD 486/100 version. I purchased a 32M module for my 755CD 486
>version for less than $300. It works so I'm happy.
>Whenever you buy memory, make sure that the vendor knows the exact model
>number. Then make sure they can assure the memory will work in that model. I
>assume the Kingston card would work in just about any 755ce or cse. I will
>also probably work in older 755c's. It may or may not work in the 755cx.
>Same for older 750's. I think 760's use "EDO" memory, so I doubt that your
>module would work in the 760's.
>Good luck.
>Mike Redmond
>At 05:06 AM 10/29/96 -0700, Steve Hultquist wrote:
>>>>>>> "Erik" == Erik Schwer <cd002046@interramp.com> writes:
>> Erik> Was the Thinkpad 755CD originally delivered with the CDROM AND
>> Erik> floppy drive or was one of the drives an extra-cost item?
>>Both came in the box.
>> Erik> Also, I have a 16MB RAM card from Kingston that went in a 755CD,
>> Erik> do you know if the card is useful in other laptop models?
>>Should work in any of them with the PC Card-style holder.  This is all
>>the 75x series.  I haven't actually looked at the 760 options, but know
>>they do take a different approach.