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Re: Waverunner ISDN PCMCIA Card & Win95

> From:          "C2" <c2@iaco.com>
> Date:          Tue, 5 Nov 1996 08:55:13 +0000
> Subject:       Waverunner ISDN PCMCIA Card & Win95
> I just purchased a bunch (I'm embarrassed to say how many) of 
> Waverunner PCMCIA cards to be used in Thinkpads of various 
> configurations. I was assured that this worked under Windows 95. 
> Imagine my surprise when after having trouble locating the drivers I 
> called IBM and they said there was no Windows 95 support for this 
> card. How can IBM sell a PCMCIA product today without a Windows 95 
> driver?!?!?! After all, it's almost 1997!!
> I would think with the rapidly growing popularity of ISDN that IBM 
> would pay more attention to this. Anyway, I am now going to fill out 
> the paperwork to return all these useless IBM Waverunner PCMCIA 
> cards.
> I hope others learn from my experience.

That really sucks because it seems that this IBM ISDN device is the 
best on the market for mobile users, and I'd figure that there would 
be Win95 drivers by now.  I'd been tracking it for almost a year now 
(I think its been out longer) and was well aware of the absence of 
Win95 drivers according to the info on their WWW page, which made no 

I wonder who they're marketing to, OS/2 users???

Anyhow, I hope you can return them and give them hell.

I know that I'm intending to use a USR Courier I-modem at home with 
an ISDN line, and use the 701's internal modem for connections to 
POTS service away from home.  I'm just trying to figure out how to 
get high-speed serial port in PCMCIA format (if such even exists) to 
take full advantage of ISDN's speed and additional compression 
throughput; hoping that there's a PCMCIA equivalent to the Hayes 
serial-ESP IDE card.

If IBM had the Win95 drivers for their PCMCIA ISDN device, that 
would be ideal.

Good Luck...
  Gene <blue@enteract.com>
       IP #:
       IP name:  blue.sa.enteract.com