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Re: Intro, and HELP! with Virtual Screen

At 06:56 PM 11/14/96 MST, Dean Cashen wrote:
>The problem, specifically, is that when I access the
>"Display" feature of the "ThinkPad Features" utility,
>all the Virtual screen buttons are greyed away.  To
>further compound the problem, the buttons to enable
>the internal modem and midi port are greyed away as
>well.  These later two problems are new, and they
>came about after I spent a day installing EVERY new
>utility/driver/update I could pull off of IBM's web-
>site in an attempt to solve the "Virtual screen"

Let me say, first, that the tech isn't completely lost in space.  The p'n'p
support in Win95 clashes with the Utilities, and the device manager does
really weird things to the IRQs, etc.  I suspect you have an IRQ conflict
that's causing the Utils to think they can't talk to the modem, etc.  Did
you check the device manager to see if it had errored-out any devices?  (I
know you probably know, but in case you don't, it's Control Panel | System.)

You may also need to check the Display drivers under Win95, and make
changes to the display type settings to get the other resolutions to work.

I, unfortunately, do not have the problem you have, and since my machine
won't be obsolete for at least a few weeks, I'm happy for now.

Steve Hultquist, Founder                             Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Systems, Network, Internet, and Business Engineering         Boulder, Colorado
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