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Re: IR-drivers, was RE: experiences w/ us-thinkpad in germany/europe

On Wed, 4 Dec 1996 15:06:26 +0100, you wrote:

Sorry I have no experience with IR on Tpad (I've never used the
feature) but I seem to recall that NT4 does not support it.
I do know that Adaptec came out with a small IR box that connected to
a serial port. This was about 6 months ago, can't remember the name
now but it was about 140 UK ie: 140 US. Is that cheap or expensive?
Good Luck
>btw, does anyone know if WinNT supports IR, and where
>to get a _cheap_ serial-port (or ethernet) IR-port?
>"Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes."
>>Subject: experiences w/ us-thinkpad in germany/europe
>>Author:  Axel Hartmann <axel.hartmann@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de> at Internet
>>Date:    11/30/96 1:19 AM
>>i finally got to test the IR-interface! a friend has the 
>>new HP-LaserJet 6 (not released in the US yet, i believe). 
>>it works! magic! fast! wow!     (LJ-III drivers work, btw)
>>i will actually be beaming my thesis! since the printer doesn't 
>>speak, i won't be renaming the 'pad scotty, though.
>.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
>. Paper         : Blumenstr. 15; 76133 Karlsruhe; Germany
>. Voice         : [0|xx49] 721 - 27115                                 .
>. E-Mail        : Axel.Hartmann@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de                 .
>. Homepage      : http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Axel.Hartmann          .

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