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Re: TP 701C Modem As Serial Port?

	Plan B seems the most trouble-free solution, and yes, there are pc cards
to replicate just about every port there is. Socket makes a lot of them,
and most are sold by Essex Portables Solutions.  They're at www.goessex.com
and 1-800-go-essex. The high-speed serial adapter is listed at $159, there
are also cards allowing 2 and 4 serial ports through a single card.
On Fri, 03 Jan 1997 07:07:13 -0500, you wrote:

"I've recently purchased Delorme's Tripmate GPS receiver and Street Atlas
"4.0 for use on my TP701C.  Briefly, this receiver plugs into the serial
"port, receives data from the GPS satellite constellation and shows your
"position on a moving map on the display. It works quite well.
"To use the serial port, of course, I need to attach the port replicator,
"which makes things just slightly awkward.
"Is it possible to configure the internal modem to work "in reverse" as a
"serial port?  If possible, this would require some sort "phone plug to 9
"pin serial" adaptor.
"Or, as a good Plan B, are there PCMCIA serial cards available?
"Thanks for any info.

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