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Re: TP 760ED questions

On Tue, 14 Jan 1997 19:34:59 -0600, you wrote:

>I have some questions concerning my 760ED. 
>After receiving my unit last Tuesday, the built in MPEG hardware worked
>fine when playing the included CD sampler. However, after installing
>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 with ActiveMovie, the CD sampler would not
>play the MPEG files. I fiddled around, unchecked all associations with
>ActiveMovie, uninstalled it, and reinstalled all of the IBM MPEG and video
>features (newest versions), all to no avail. The machine locks when trying
>to play the clips. 
>I called IBM tech support Friday.Their multimedia group handled the
>problem. The guy said that this was not the first time he had heard of
>this, and that he had previously tried to figure out the problem but he had
>no idea how to. He said that ActiveMovie was the culprit, and that
>uninstalling it never completely removes it. His two suggestions-1)Call
>Microsoft (oh boy), or 2)Reformat and reinstall everything. 

I'm guessing that you are running Windows 95. We have a machine
running Windows 3.1, so my advice may be worth nothing, but...

...I had a problem with MPEG after installing Procomm Plus 3.0 on a
Windows 3.1 machine.  A problem that took a *long* time to figure out.
On a Win 3.1 machine, the MPEG drivers need Win32s, which I had
installed correctly.  Procomm Plus tried installing its own copy of
Win32s over the existing one and trashed it.  Its "fixit" script
didn't work either.  I had to completely uninstall Win32s (which isn't
hard *once* you know what to do) and re-install it from scratch.
After that, things were fine.

I don't know which drivers MPEG uses on a Win95 machine, but there
seems to be little doubt the IE installation messed it up.

Tom Kustner
Tom Kustner                   Emjay Corporation    
System/LAN Administrator      725 W. Glendale Ave.
Email: tom.kustner@emjay.com  Glendale, WI  53209-6509  USA
Any opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Emjay.