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Re: TP 701C & 560 - scales 320x200 video modes to 640x480?

|> Sorry, Steve but you are out-of-date on the 560 memory prices.  I am
|> sure if this is the best price, but I know that NECX has the 16MB
|> for under $200.  When I bought my Viking Memory in August, I paid
|> $270.  So again, I would suggest sticking with named brands.
|  If you had read closely you would see that I have a 16MB module in
|machine I was about to get [and received today] and was talking about 
|pricing for the 32MB module.  I see those as low as $170 or 
|so.  The 32MB ones are in the mid $500 range and up.  Usually about
|or so.  I have a 16MB module and need a 32MB one for a reasonable
|  The 16MB one is only about 2-3 times what regular desktop RAM cost.  
|Which is fine considering the special nature of it.  But ~$600 for 32MB 
|is a bit higher than I'm willing to pay right at the moment.

Sorry, but I was thinking you were trying to get to 24MB.  Now for 32MB
DIMMS for the TP560, I still think you may be out of date on the
pricing.  I believe that I have seen Simple memory for under $450.

I have never used that manufacturer before, although have heard of
them.  Maybe someone else on the list can comment on their quality, etc.
