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Re: Windows95 OSR2 and Thinkpads?

I've been using it for a few months on my 755CD also without any problems,
I had disabled hibernation anyway so I didn't run into any real problems.
I also had to install it from the hard drive.

On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Richard Chalk wrote:

> I have it installed on a 760ED...the only problem I had was that after
> Partitioning and formatting the HD in FAT32, the machine refused to let me
> install the CD-ROM driver diskette (DOS) so that I could install the
> Windows95 OSR2 from CD.  I copied the CD driver files and config.sys and
> autoexec.bat commands manually onto the HD, and then it installed OK.
> You need the HIMEM.SYS file, and the Device=HIMEM.SYS also on the HD, since
> it runs a version of SCANDISK that requires it at the beginning of install.
> Depending on the particular machine, note any peculiarities from IBM.  For
> example, on the 760ED it is necessary to go with Custom Install, and remove
> the S3 Video device drivers from the list of equipment.  This was true in
> the original W95 as well.
> All of the IBM drivers and features installed without difficulty.
> Regards,
> Richard
> At 09:29 AM 1/17/97 GMT, you wrote:
> >	Has anyone upgraded a Thinkpad to the new Windows 95?  The Mini-FAQ I
> >found on the web states (uncertainly) it doesn't work with previous
> >Thinkpad models, and I was thinking of trying it out on my 701. Anyone
> >tried it yet?
> >	epbrown 
> >epbrown@enteract.com
> >Laptop Central, home of the Portable Computing FAQ
> >http://www.enteract.com/~epbrown
> >
> >