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Re: Hard disk replacement


I saw your inquiry on the List.  We can help you upgrade your system through
2.1gb Hard Drives. Our upgrade kits come with everything you need, including
BIOS and Step-By-Step Intasll Instructions. We also have the External HDD
Shells for your old HDD. I will send you our upgrade catalog. Please contact
me if you have any other questions.

Best Regards,

email: pepsale2@portables.com
Portable Enhancements
The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
Up to 2.1GB in your Notebook!
WEB: http://www.portables.com

========Original Message========

Subj:	Hard disk replacement
Date:	97-01-24 10:58:48 EST
From:	pm119@columbia.edu (Paulo Magalhaes)
Sender:	pm119@columbia.edu
To:	THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu


I have seen this subject discussed in the list before, but at the
time budget constraints kept me from looking too closely... :)

I would like to replace the 340 Mb hard disk in my old and faithful
TP750C with something "a little bigger": about 1 Gb. At the same time
I would like to keep the old HD as an external one, if the price for
this is not prohibitive. Any suggestions regarding sources (company,
brand of HD, part #, approx. price) and bits and pieces of information
which you may find useful (BIOS update requirements, suspend/hibernation
problems, etc, etc) will be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks in anticipation for your attention.

Best regards,

Paulo Magalhaes  *  Dept. Neurology, Columbia University, New York, USA
voice: (+1 212) 305 1665  **  fax: ... 305 3986  **  pm119@columbia.edu