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suspend/hibernate problem on new hard drive

I just installed a 1.2 G hard drive in a thinkpad 355 purchased
from Kahlon corp. for $470.  I used the Iomega 2 Gb
(compressed) backup to load my old info after re-installing
PCDOS 7 and Win 3.11.  I had to rescue some icons for my
desktop screen but otherwise everything went fine except --

when I try to use any of the suspend or hibernate functions the
computer hangs.

I used the fn f5 key to bypass config.sys and autoexec.bat in
case those were the problem but the same thing occurred.  I
upgraded the bios with I think version 1.2 supplied by Kahlon.
Does anyone have any ideas as to the possible source of this
problem?  Mucho gracios en avance
                                                            2% more to view

John Lee Pratt Holmes
Graduate Student, Dept. of
Government and Foreign Affairs
Univ. of Virginia