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Thinkpad "Heard on the Street" stuff

From today's Computer Reseller News:

IBM Plans New Notebooks

By Jeff Bliss
Somers, N.Y.
8:15 a.m. EST Tues., Jan. 28, 1997

The IBM PC Co. will replace their current low-end notebook line in May
with products that feature bigger screens and more slots for
peripherals, said sources familiar with the company's plans.

With the introduction of the new ThinkPads, IBM will begin phasing out
its ThinkPad 365 models, discontinuing them by the end of the year,
the source said. 

The new product family, which will consist of two to four models, will
cost about $2,200 on average, a knowledgable source said.

Some models will include 12.1-inch TFT screens and separate bays for
the CD-ROM and hard drive, the source said. Currently the Somers-based
company provides the large TFT screens only on top-of-the-line
ThinkPads and does not have separate bays for the CD-ROM
and hard drive on any models.

Other features on the new machines will stress ease of use, the source

IBM would not comment on future products.

Notebooks in the crrent entry level 365 line feature 100MHz, 120MHz
and 133MHz Pentium processors; 8 Mbytes of memory; drives with up to
1.35 Gbytes of storage; four-speed and six-speed CD-ROMs; and
dual-scan and TFT screens.

IBM in the past six months has refocused its sales efforts on
lower-priced models to capture market share in the profitable
mid-range and low-end markets. Toshiba America Information
Systems Inc., Irvine, Calif., the No. 1 notebook maker, dominates in
those segments. 

Tom Kustner                   Emjay Corporation    
System/LAN Administrator      725 W. Glendale Ave.
Email: tom.kustner@emjay.com  Glendale, WI  53209-6509  USA
Any opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Emjay.