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On 14 Feb 1997, Michael Verne/VENTANA wrote:

> "...  | DOS 6.22    |<--->| Zip    |<--->| KXL-D720  |
> Suggestions?..."
> ~~~~~
> have you tried reversing the order of scsi devices?  i seem to recall having 
> better luck with aspi devices (like cd roms) when they were the first device 
> away from the card.

Unfortunately the CD-ROM MUST be the last one in the chain (it is, by
design, a chain terminator).

As for the SMARTDRV / EMM386 issue,
> i always thought that was only for scsi *hard disks.*

I really don't know - I am now on a Mac, so I can't confirm, but quoting
from memory, I believe there's no mention of HD in the DOS HELP stuff. It
would, however, make sense if it only mattered in the case of HDs...

Finally, I will re-post my earlier request in a slightly different way:
is anyone out there willing to let me peep at "fully annotated" versions
of their CONFIG.SYS / AUTOEXEC.BAT files - the tips I'm looking for, of
course, are the ones related to the drivers, order of loading, etc, which
may enable my silly system to start behaving like a once-top-of-the-line
machine! :)  Is it really so hard to get a TP to talk in a civil manner
to a couple of SCSI devices?!...

Again, many thanks.

Paulo Magalhaes  *  Dept. Neurology, Columbia University, New York, USA
voice: (+1 212) 305 1665  **  fax: ... 305 3986  **  pm119@columbia.edu