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recharging battery

When re-charging a battery with a thinkpad 755 cdv, or any other
models for that matter, is it necessary that one plug directly
into an outlet.  An ibm tech. support person told a relative of
mine that she could not plug into a 5 plug adaptor, that it
would not recharge correctly in that condition.  Now she
gets the critically low tone whenever she turns on the machine,
even if the ac is plugged in.

Also, am I correct in recalling that the best policy is to
always let the battery run down to as low as possible before
plugging in for a recharge?


John Lee Pratt Holmes
Graduate Student, Dept. of
Government and Foreign Affairs
Univ. of Virginia

319 Alderman Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(H) 804-977-0016
(W)     924-7969 (The Rotunda)
(O)     980-8526