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Re: Port cases

Well, leather is all fine and good (hey, I like a dead cow in my hand as
much as the next guy) but I'll go for a case that resembles anything but a
laptop bag, as often as I can. Not to the point that if I run around town,
I won't just use the small bag, but if I can, I'd rather go covert with the
darn thing.

Now, if someone can make a really nice laptop case, that doesn't look like
it's got a PC, that would be great!

At 10:13 AM 2/20/97 -0700, Steve Hultquist wrote:
>H. Bruce Stewart wrote:
>> For anyone concerned to make a good impression, the
>> fit and finish of the Port cases is (so far as I know)
>> second to none. To my eye, the Targus cases look ok,
>> but the Port cases draw comments.
>Especially the leather one...  I *love* leather...  ;-)
>Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
>Internet Integration - Technology Engineering        Boulder, Colorado
>mailto:ssh@wwsi.com       +1.303.581.0800         http://www.wwsi.com/
Nick Rushizky
Marquette Medical Systems