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Newbie with IR port problems

Hi all!  Newbie here.  No, _I_ don't own a ThinkPad but I have Stinky here
for a visit.  Who's that??  Stinky is Buddy's 755CE and it needs some
work, software problems, hardware is OK.  Buddy's been working on this for
over a year now without success, hence the (affectionate) Stinky moniker.
Finally, he got things so screwed up Stinky wouldn't even boot so he
banished Stinky to my house, affectionately known as The Slut Hut, to see
if I can make Stinky boot and solve the IR port problem.  You'll probably
see me here for a while, just long enough to pick your brains for some
answers.  Soon as Stinky is "fixed", he'll go back to Buddy's house, I'll
disappear and Buddy will keep you all company.

BTW, I fixed the boot problem already, just some typos in autoexec.bat.

Stinky has: 8 RAM, 800 HD, mwave (2780), IR port, serial port (Serial A in
BIOS), 3.5 floppy, no CD, no docking station or PCMCIA cards though the 
slots are there, 486DX100 (maybe DX50?).

Peripherals include an HP DeskJet 340 with HP IR adapter on the IR port 
and Logitech PageScan Color on the parallel.  The problem seems to be that
the scanner drivers overwrite the IR and mwave drivers as both IR and 
mwave quit working as soon as the scanner drivers are installed.  Buddy
tried upgrading to all the latest drivers, ThinkPad Utils, ThinkPad Mwave 
Features, BIOS upgrade, etc.  Since Stinky came to visit with me, I've 
reformatted the HD, installed Win3.1, all the ver.2 mwave stuff, another 
BIOS upgrade, the latest ThinkPad Utils from IBM and DJ340 drivers from
HP. I installed the Utils, then mwave, IR and scanner, in that order. 
Again, the IR and mwave work fine before installing the scanner software 
but not after.

Does anybody have something similar working under 3.1 or WfW:  mwave,
printer on IR and scanner on parallel?  How did you do it?  We know it
works under Win95 but don't want to run 95 on just 8 RAM.  We would like
to stay with Win3.1 and 8 RAM if possible.


            Kim Bergman