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Re: ThinkPad 701C screen brightness adjustment & ho

Eddy writes:

>   I have a TP701C (active matrix screen) and since I got the machine as =
> new, I've tried to adjust to brightness using the Fn keys but I see not =
> visible brightness change in the screen. The onscreen indicator does =
> change though.

As I posted here a couple of weeks ago, I recently had 2 TP701C units
side-by-side; the screens were markedly different.  One of them (call
it Type A) did not vary at all with this control.  The other (Type B)
varied by a small but noticeable amount (and was also overall much
brighter than the Type A screen).  I've now had 4 different screens (2
on each of 2 different TP701s), 2 of type A and 2 of type B, and find
the latter overall better.  However: My first Type-A screen had no bad
pixels, my second had one.  My first Type B screen had 5 bad pixels,
my current screen has at least 9!  So, it could be that Type B has
better brightness behavior, but worse quality control vis a vis bad

Incidentally, I believe that as the years go by, the quality of
replacement parts for these machines will deteriorate.  Already IBM is
using remanufactured (aka 'used') parts, and as they use up the best
of these used parts they will have to turn to parts of inferior
quality - I think this is why my latest screen has so many bad pixels.
It might nevertheless have been the best they had around; the next
customer might fare even worse.

- David