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760ED Mwave Speech

We have been using the Mwave program in a text-to-speech 
Windows 95 application for the past 6 months and are very pleased 
with general quality of the sound and, of course, the great 
portability.  The person enjoying the machine has Lou Gehrig's 
disease and can't speak any more.

Sometimes we notice a slight garble in the speech, as if there are 
changes in timings while individual words are being spoken.  Finally, 
we discovered by accident, after another program caused a system 
crash, and windows came back up in the "safe mode" that there must be 
some re-generating of pointers (or  something like that) that cleared 
up the garbled speech completely.  

Does anyone know if there is a recommended method for resolving Mwave 
garbling other that forcing a system crash?  Any comments will help. 


John Carmody
E-mail: oam@ix.netcom.com