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TP365/Win95B -- WOW!

Well, thanks to the kind input of several group members, I took the plunge
completely wiped clean my HDD and installed Win95B/FAT 32 and all.

Things went exceedingly well -- perfectly in fact!

One rather interesting note:  at first I had trouble with the Hibernation
file -- said it couldn't create one.  On somewhat of a whim, I downloaded
newer BIOS (2/97) and a new set of TP utilities from www.ibm.com and now
all works perfectly!!  Apparently the new BIOS now support hibernation
FAT32 on a 365.

Again thanks to all for your input.


PS  I must admit to a certain amount of smugness right now.  As mentioned
before, this was a semi-trashed store demo (listed as a P100/8/810/DS) and
the price was right (about $1000).  When I installed Win95 B, I noticed a
significant improvement in the screen.  Hmmm.  Then, I installed Norton and
found out that this is REALLY a P120 with a TFT!!  My lucky day!!