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Re: Audio/MIDI device gone

In a message dated 97-03-17 16:41:26 EST, you write:

<< Subj:	Audio/MIDI device gone
 Date:	97-03-17 16:41:26 EST
 From:	jfe@cimtek.on.ca (James F. Egan)
 To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
 Gentle folks,
 Somehow I have deleted the midi and sound device on my TP760C under W95.
 Not sure how, but when trying to reconfigure the modem/serial ports it has
 affected the sound device. Now the Thinkpad Features utility reports "No
 midi port installed".     After Running the Self Test (F1 key held down at
 powerup), it reports an error on the DSP.    Now, I am not sure how to add
 back in the midi/wave/audio devices (no hardware found under W95 'add
 hardware') and am not sure if the DSP is actually damaged or not working.
 Does anyone know how to add the DSP midi/wave back in? 
 FYI it reported DEV 113, ERR 48, FRU 1610 on the DSP test.  Not sure what
 to do with this data at this point.
 Any help would be appreciated.
 thx >>

You might try downloading the software off of IBM's ThinkPad Support page on
the web.  BTW, have you tried calling them?

Paul Khoury